Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Event | DYNT Summer Release Party Recap.

This past week the question "Do you believe what you are doing is gonna pay off in the end" came about in a general conversation online. Sitting back thinking "If I were to be asked this question, what would my answer be?" The answer would be "yes" with no hesitation, no questions asked, no but's, no if's, just a plain and simple"Yes". We believe in the statement, "Hard Work Pays Off" & it has shown to be true so far. This past Saturday marked our first outbreak season as "DYNT" after a rebrand. As we sat back and looked at the new Summer Season, we were completely satisfied. Every single shirt was printed by hand to result in a more rewarding feeling when purchased. After spending 4 long days straight in the warehouse printing up the product & tags for the release we were ready to share it with the world.


By 7 o' clock our facility began to fill up & our good friends from Bumstead's Bike shop brought out some obstacles for our local cyclists & skate rats to shred!

By nightfall the shop had reached a great capacity inside & outside & product began to move out. The level of support that was shown was great, we thank you all.

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Shout out to our Interns, they worked like crazy at the event, & Aly made us cupcakes.

We didn't take many photos inside because our staff stayed busy but we did have a photobooth. Check out some pics below & view the rest here!

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We also want to thank everyone who came out, purchased, chilled, or event contemplated coming to our event. You are appreciated & we have even bigger plans for the future.

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